The story of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and of salvation in His Name are seen throughout the building. This story begins most clearly in the text on the East wall around the table. Either side of the table are written The Ten Commandments. The great message of the church is that the Holy God of The Bible is love and He has shown himself to be so in the most conclusive way. He has made a way to save sinners. Any sinner can be saved by this way of salvation. The Ten Commandments demand a standard of righteousness - such a high standard that the Bible calls it the ministry of condemnation. The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God - all but one person. Jesus Christ came from the perfect joy and beauty of the presence of God His Father to a world full of sinners for one great reason - to take their blame, to pay their price, to take their punishment. But the great news of the Church is that it worked. Death could not hold Him. He was raised on the third day and having given numerous proofs He ascended to the glory of His Father - as shown in the image of the large central window.
The other windows in the nave feature images from the life and teaching of Jesus Christ all drawing attention to His great mission to save sinners. We see images of his promise freely to give the refreshment of living water which will become in them to whom he gives it a spring of water welling up to eternal life. We see his proclamation that he is the good shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep. We see his birth and his resurrection.